
Twilight of the gods wc3
Twilight of the gods wc3

That's an interesting question the blood elves could theoretically blend in, only the whacky hairstyles would really give them away. So, in this battle, will there be High Elves? And won't they be confused to see Blood Elves considering that organization hadn't started yet? Same thing goes for Dranei&Forsaken, won't they all be confused? -Blackmorsel User:Montag/sig 20:30, 4 February 2007 (EST) Blood/High Elves? Putting the Shattered Halls key chain on a Hyjal attunment chart was pretty much the same thing as making a deadmines attunement chart with "Get Money" "Go to Shop" "Buy Computer" etc and was pretty silly journalism Laserdruid 11:48, 27 April 2007 (EDT) Debut of the Dark Trolls? Moved to Talk:Dark troll. User:Tekkub/Sig 09:14, 27 January 2007 (EST) The common misconception is that the attumenment to Mount Hyjal is a "long epic quest chain", when in fact it's a single quest to clear the previous raid instances. In the big picture there's a lot to do, yes, but you're going to be doing these attunements in little bits, not one huge push. but you're not going to be doing all that stuff with the intent of doing Hyjal, you're going to be doing it to attune to the other instances. Yes there's a crapload of stuff you have to do to get there. Do the other 2 instances in Caverns, do one quest where you get two items off two raid bosses. (Same goes for bloodelves and draenei, I'd believe))- Maibe 09:09, 27 January 2007 (EST) Complicated? Seems simple to me.

twilight of the gods wc3

Perhabs they'll get the same buff/debuff as in Old Hillsbrad. Are they going to be changed into humans/other race or will they stay undead (Malfurion and Tyrande, as well as Jaina and Thrall didn't know anything about free-willed undead as they were non-existent during the event, so dunno why they should be allowed to join their forces in their normal form - they might be taken as spies or sth). I wonder about Forsaken players, as the undead then are only the slaves of the Lich King and are supporting Archimonde.

twilight of the gods wc3

This will be the first instance where both the Horde and the Alliance players (hopefully!) are to fight together against a common enemy.

twilight of the gods wc3

APΘLLΘ (ZEUS) 04:34, 19 January 2007 (EST) Yup, this will be great, unless Blizzard screws something up. I'm loving it it'll make you really feel you've accomplished something when you finally make eye contact with Archimonde. But that is most likely precisely what Blizzard has intended it to be. The simple answer to that, is yes.- Sky Oh yes. This has to be the most God awful, most complicated, and most insane quest line I have EVER layed my eyes on.

  • 7 Theory about some events and the creation of Infinite Dragonflight.

  • Twilight of the gods wc3